
 Good Foot Dance Company

GoodFootGood Foot Dance Company explores the complex cultural twinings of the root-system of American vernacular dance, from Appalachian flatfooting, to tap, to contemporary urban dance. By mixing and remixing traditional dance and music and bringing a critical and historical inquiry to the shared history of American dance cultures, they raise questions about connectivity, continuity, and social responsibility.
Maivish collaborates with Good Foot in performance and in workshop settings.

Cedar Stanistreet

Cedar at ydwCedar grew up playing both classical violin and traditional fiddle music. He studied violin performance at the Crane School of Music, and violin making at the North Bennet Street School. He has performed with a variety of folk musicians, and toured nationally with dance bands Cardinal Direction and Nor’easter. In addition to playing for dances, Cedar is an avid contra dancer and dance organizer, helping to run events such as the Brattleboro Dawn Dance.

Cedar periodically teams up with Maivish for a double fiddle sound at contras and English Country Dance events.